
EZ-Pass CardEZ-Pass Cards - All machines are activated using the coinless EZ-Pass Card system.

EZ-Pass Card acts like a debit card. The card is dispensed from our EZ-Pass Card Center by inserting a US currency bill with any amount from $1.00 to $20. Each time the card is used to activate a washer or dryer, the amount on the card is reduced by the price required. When the amount remaining on the EZ-Pass Card is insufficient to start a machine, you simply return to the EZ-Pass Card Center to reload the card. You only need one EZ-Pass Card. Use it over and over again.

Why not coins?

Bill to Bill Changer and ATM Available


Clean, Secure Washrooms


Kid's Kozy Korner

Wash 'n Fold Service

Ask about our Premium Wash 'n Fold Service. You drop off your laundry project. We wash, dry and fold for you to pickup. Available only during attended hours (9am to 6pm on non-holidays).

Digital TV

Wi-Fi Internet


Green Equipment

Dexter Washer

33 Dexter Express Washers (20 lb to 55 lb capacity)


Dexter Washer

30 Dryers (30 lb to 80 lb capacity)

Popular, Established laundry products
Laundry products are available in our vending machines. Use your EZ-Pass Card to earn Frequent Dryer Miles.